New jury member: « Opera »

  • 04/06/2012

The British magazine ‘Opera’ has become a member of the ICMA Jury. Recently described (in ‘The Daily Telegraph’) as ‘the bible of the industry’, ‘Opera’ has been the world’s leading commentator on the lyric stage for over 60 years. Founded in 1950 by Lord Harewood, since then it has provided unrivalled coverage of events through a mixture of reviews (live performances, recordings, books), features and analysis, plus monthly listings of events worldwide. Long-standing editors – Harold Rosenthal, Rodney Milnes and (since 2000) John Allison – have ensured cotinuity, and the editorial board is made up of the most distinguished opera critics from Britain’s national newspapers. Though London-based, the magazine has a network of international correspondents, covering performances from every corner of the globe.

‘Opera’ is represented in the ICMA Jury by John Allison, its Editor and Chief Music Critic of ‘The Sunday Telegraph’. From 1994-2005 he was a Music Critic on ‘The Times’. He has written for leading newspapers around the world, including the ‘New York Times’, and is a regular contributor to ‘BBC Music Magazine’. Born in 1965 in Cape Town, South Africa, he studied there in performance, musicology and composition for his BMus and PhD degrees, and while at university was also assistant organist at Cape Town Cathedral.

Big Success for ICMA Gala in Nantes. ICMA Will be in Milan in 2013, in Warsaw in 2014

  • 27/05/2012

The ICMA Awards Gala 2012 at La Cité in Nantes (France), hosted by Orchestre National des Pays de la Loire and its Music Director John Axelrod has been called ‘a big success’ by the numerous participants, winners, label representatives, agents and the audience.

That great event of the 15th of May underlined the seriousness and the high level of this Award. After the Award Ceremony a Gala Concert took place and enthused an audience of 1500 in La Cité’s Grand Auditorium. A number of ICMA winners 2012 took part: Krzysztof Penderecki, Jean-Efflam Bavouzet, Joseph Moog, Krassimira Stoyanova, Véronique Gens, Trio Flamel, Wolfram Brandl and Rachel Kolly d’Alba.

During its General Assembly in Nantes, the Jury welcomed as a new member the Russian weekly Kultura and prepared the Awards of 2013. Read More →

ICMA 2012 – The Winners

  • 24/02/2012

The Jury of the International Classical Music Awards – ICMA announced the winners for 2012. « For our international and independent Jury musical quality is the only criterion for selection.  The winners come from a nomination list comprising 250 CD and DVD productions and are the expression of the highest  artistry. In a musical world showing an increasing number of recordings, our choice honors outstanding productions of superior quality and provides reliable guidance to the music lovers. The ICMA also include six awards to pay respect to exceptional musicians and producers, » said Remy Franck, President of the Jury.

The renowned Polish composer Krzysztof Penderecki wins the Lifetime Achievement Award; French pianist Jean-Efflam Bavouzet is Artist of the Year; German pianist Joseph Moog Young Artist of the Year; Ondine Label of the Year. A Special Achievement Award goes to the producer and re-recording engineer Ward Marston. The Classical Website Award goes to ‘’, an outstanding project coordinated by the Fundación Albéniz and offering musical content as well as a social networking platform for young musicians. Among the recipients of the Awards in the 14 CD and DVD, the Jury selected the ECM recording of piano works by Robert Schumann played by Andras Schiff  as Recording of the Year. Read More →

Nantes se prépare pour les ICMA

  • 09/02/2012
Nantes se prépare pour les ICMA

John Axelrod (à gauche) et Rémy Franck (Photo: ONPL)

Lors d’une grande conférence de presse le 7 février à Nantes, l’Orchestre National des Pays de la Loire et La Cité ont présenté la Cérémonie des Prix ICMA 2012 qui se tiendra à Nantes le 15 mai prochain.La remise des Prix aura lieu à 18h30 à l’Auditorium 800. Elle sera suivie à 20h30 du Concert de Gala dans le Grand auditorium de La Cité. John Axelrod dirigera l’Orchestre national des Pays de la Loire lors du concert retransmis en direct par France Musique et en différé par la radio MDR (Allemagne), Radio 100,7 (Luxembourg), Radio Orpheus (Russie) et d’autres radios de l’Union Européenne des Radios. »Le programme fait déjà rêver, dit Michel Ayroles, le directeur de ‘Orchestre, « On entendra les lauréats e.a dans le Triple Concerto de Beethoven, le 3e Concerto pour piano de Prokofiev, la Sérénade de Penderecki et la Danse Macabre de Liszt. La Cérémonie des ICMA 2012 rassemblera, comme celle de Tampere en avril dernier, des interprètes habituels des plus généreuses affiches du monde de la musique classique, les gestionnaires de labels, des représentants de l’industrie musicale ainsi que le public autour de l’excellence musicale. »Il revint à John Axelrod de présenter le projet en détail et à Rémy Franck, Président des ICMA, à informer la presse au sujet des ICMA. Toutes les informations y relatives sont disponibles sur ce site Internet. Les noms des lauréats 2012 seront publiés ici-même le 20 février.

Pour assister à cette soirée exceptionnelle, on peut réserver ses places au: 02 51 25 29 29 ou les acheter en ligne sur: Tarifs de 20 à 29€ (Tarifs abonnés ONPL: de 15 à 26€).

Welcoming a new Jury member: Andante (Turkey)

  • 02/02/2012

The Jury of the International Classical Music Awards (ICMA) announces a new member: Andante from Turkey, represented by its Editor-in-chief Serhan Bali. Founded in 2002, Andante is the first and only nationwide popular classical music magazine in Turkey. A dedicated monthly publication in its field, Andante informs the readers regularly about the national and international classical music events. Comprehensive interviews with the actors of the classical music world, in depth information about the classical music compositions, composers and artists, serious record and concert/opera reviews from all over the world takes place in every issue of Andante. Besides the main magazine and occasional supplementaries, Andante also publishes the regular bi-monthly ‘Opera and Ballet Newsletter’ for the State Opera and Ballet Company of Turkey. Relaunched in 2010, is a very popular classical music portal in Turkish language. Andante magazine has been organizing the annual Giuseppe Donizetti Classical Music Awards in Turkey for three years.

Jury meeting in Moscow

  • 16/01/2012

Following an invitation of its member Radio Orpheus (Russia), the ICMA Jury recently held its annual winter meeting in Moscow. Main topics on the Agenda were the preparation of the next Award Ceremony in Nantes (May 2012) as well as the Rules and Regulations for the 2013 Awards. The R&R section of this website has been updated accordingly and shows all related information. Most notable is the creation of a new category (the 15th) for CD productions: Best Collection, a category allowing admittance for CDs comprising works of different genres (Examples: Concerto + chamber music or solo piece, symphonic music + choral works etc.). The General Assembly also elected a new Board, confirming Michèle Debra (Crescendo, Belgium), Remy Franck (Pizzicato, Luxembourg), Martin Hoffmeister (MDR Figaro, Germany), Stephen Hastings (Musica, Italy) and choosing as a new member Pierre-Jean Tribot (ResMusica, France). Remy Franck was elected President of the Jury for another period of 3 years, until June 2015.
While being in Moscow, the Jury members had the opportunity to visit the Irina Arkhipova Foundation, the label Melodiya, the Tchaikovsky Conservatory and the Bolchoi Theatre, receiving exhaustive information from the leaders of those major Russian institutions.

Next Award Ceremonies to Take Place in Nantes and Milan

  • 07/01/2012
Next Award Ceremonies to Take Place in Nantes and Milan

John Axelrod

Less than one year after their first Award Ceremony with Gala Concert in Tampere/Finland, ICMA (International Classical Music Awards) are f
irmly established in the international musical life. The next Award Ceremonies will take place at Nantes international Congress Center La Cité (15t of May 2012) with the ‘Orchestre National des Pays de la Loire’ and at Milan’s Auditorium Fondazione Cariplo (18.03. 2013) with ‘Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano Giuseppe Verdi’. Both of the concerts will be conducted by internationally renowned conductor John Axelrod. Several winners of  the regular CD und DVD-categories as well as from the Special Awards will take part in those Gala Concerts. The winners 2012 will be published on the 20th of February. The list with the nominations is already available at this website.

Having closed its voting procedures for 2012 in December, the Jury will meet mid January for a General Assembly. On invitation by their Russian member Radio Orpheus it will take place in Moscow.

Prestigious IMCA Showcase 2012 in Nantes

  • 07/12/2011

Preparation for the ICMA Gala Concert and the Award ceremony 2012 took a notable step with a meeting between the three major partners for this outstanding event on May 15th at La Cité in Nantes (France). La Cité’s marketing director Corinne Denuet, Michel Ayroles, General Manager and John Axelrod, Music Director of the Orchestre National des Pays de la Loire, and ICMA’s Jury President Remy Franck met on the spot to set up the key elements for the evening’s organization.

The Award Ceremony will take place on the 15th of May at 18.30 at the Auditorium 800, followed at 20.30 by the Gala Concert at La Cité’s main auditorium which seats 1.970 people. John Axelrod will conduct the concert, broadcast live by France Musique and in deferred mode by Radio MDR (Germany), Radio 100,7 (Luxembourg), Radio Orpheus (Russia) and numerous other EBU radio stations. Winners of the ICMA 2012 will perform during that concert.

Highlights of the unique evening will be coming from Beethoven’s Triple Concerto, Prokofiev’s Third Piano Concerto which will be heard as well as Penderecki’s Sinfonietta and Liszt’s Danse Macabre. The rest of the program will be known early in 2012.

For ICMA 2012 the world’s finest musicians, label managers and representatives of the music industry will gather in Nantes to celebrate musical excellence.

More information about Nantes:

ICMA 2012: Jury is Working

  • 24/11/2011

ICMA awards 2012 are currently being prepared by the international Jury (see the list in the dedicated area).

All the Special Awards have already been fixed, and major steps for the Gala Concert in May 2012 in Nantes were taken along with the evening’s music director John Axelrod.

The nomination process for the normal CD and DVD categories is the next tread, to be concluded early in November, before the voting procedure itself will be launched and terminated after three rounds in December.

The Gala concert in Nantes will be broadcast live by France Musique and offered to the entire EBU network, giving millions of listeners the opportunity to listen to the ICMA winners 2012 and the Orchestre National des Pays de la Loire which will host this major musical event of the next year.

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